
Urban Mobility Canvas

From Uncertainties to Possibilities: The 'Urban Mobility Canvas' Vision! As we gaze into the horizon of future mobility, a vision emerges where transportation is no longer a commodity but a communal resource.

Urban Mobility Canvas

In Vienna, a city known for its commitment to innovation and inclusivity, we’re thrilled to announce a project that brings art, urban sketching, and a sense of community to the forefront. Welcome to the ‚Urban Mobility Canvas,‘ a collaborative initiative between Community Creates Mobility and Urban Sketchers, inviting you to be a part of a transformative journey!

  • Urban Mobility Canvas Meetup
  • When: Friday November 17th, from 15:30 to 17:00
  • Where: ÖBB Open Innovation Factory
  • Registration via Link


Our ‚Urban Mobility Canvas‘ project offers an artistic lens to investigate Vienna’s mobility landscape, inspired by the principles of „mobility as a commons“ as articulated in our Mobility Manifesto. It’s more than just sketching; it’s about revealing the uncertainties, challenges, and possibilities woven into the fabric of our city’s transportation system.

The future of mobility carries uncertainties, and these question marks are where creativity thrives. We invite you to sketch the landscapes of uncertainty in Vienna’s mobility, from the integration of emerging technologies to the impacts of climate change. By capturing these ambiguities on paper, we can collectively explore potential solutions and shape a more secure mobility future.

Active participation is the heart of ‚Urban Mobility Canvas.‘ Our vision is to engage the community, artists, and mobility enthusiasts in this collective journey. Through your sketches, you’re not just illustrating scenes; you’re actively participating in the co-creation of a shared vision for Vienna’s mobility. Your creative expression drives our mission forward.

Vienna’s transportation should be a shared resource, accessible to all. Sketch the places where mobility embodies this concept and where it falls short. By visualizing ‚mobility as a commons,‘ we aspire to redefine transportation systems for the benefit of all residents, regardless of age, ability, or socio-economic status.

The ‚Urban Mobility Canvas‘ project is a stepping stone to a collective publication and an exhibition, providing a platform for shared dialogue and inspiration. We’re delighted to announce that this initiative receives invaluable support from PROVIDEDH Austrian Science Fund FWF, LBG Open Innovation in Science Center and ÖBB Open Innovation.

The ‚Urban Mobility Canvas‘ project takes us on a captivating voyage toward a future where mobility becomes a communal resource and art serves as a catalyst for change. So, grab your sketchbooks, join our thriving community, and be a part of this transformative movement. Together, we will redefine the future of mobility in Vienna, transcending uncertainties and fostering a true sense of participatory urbanism.

Let’s paint the canvas of mobility, one sketch at a time!

Sketches von Urban Sketchers




Kontakt und Anmeldung

Mobilität gemeinsam gestalten 
Eine Bewegung, um Mobilität nachhaltig zu verändern.